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الصور المجسمة في البيع بالتجزئة

Holograms and holographic marketing are conquering the world at incredible speed. They are increasingly being applied to locations such as exhibition spaces, shopping centres, fairs and shops to raise sales and give lasting impressions to potential customers and customers.

In order to show you the effectiveness of this marketing method, we will be able to explain how hologram display and hologram technology can drastically raise sales at sales outlets using such a way of communication during a particular promotional campaign.

Holograms and such promotions are closely related to experiential marketing. Experienced marketing focuses on a consumer experience, strives to provide a unique experience and potentially bring the brand to the hearts of customers. Brands that have embarked on experiential marketing are convinced that the noise that is being created around the brand goes wide even outside the store. And they are right. Good, bad and bad, the voice is far away.

Traditional marketing methods tend to focus mostly on visual and auditory stimulation, however, the hologram display places typical marketing visuals in the third dimension and integrates them with a physical object.

Hologram technology can do marvels for an experienced marketing and boost buzz.

Thanks to the unconventional approach, an individual has the opportunity to experience the product in a completely new way, at a higher level. The discernment of what is 'real' and what is not, catches the attention of every passerby. Many major brands such as Dior and Coca-Cola have noticed a significant increase in sales after they have implemented hologram marketing in their campaigns.

In addition to generating a brand new image of the promoted product, hologram content is something that attracts views. Because of the enchanting nature of this form of communication, people interact with content themselves often by watching the same animation and more than once. The more people will stop to look at what it is, the other people who will, naturally encourage, wonder what is all they are watching.

Locations with a lot of visitors like aeroports, fairs and shopping centres have a tremendous benefit from this kind of promotion.

Many brands who used hologram technology have noticed that potential customers who experienced holographic promotion tend to be more impulsive when making a purchase decision. The reason for this is a positive experience. Physiologically, a positive experience, in this case, mostly a miracle and amazement experience, releases a large number of endorphins, which increases attention and generally makes the person feel "happier," even at a micro level.

In such a way, to say the blessed, state, an individual much more easily accepts ideas and suggestions, and when he goes, he carries that experience with himself and passes it away. Similar to when you go to a museum or other event and buy a shirt you probably will not ever wear, and you bought it because the evening experience was fantastic. So, as a hologram display encourages a positive experience, it also induces the desire to buy a product that becomes a subject of desire.

When we talk about advertising, amaze and attract the attention of potential customers and viewers is imperative, and hologram displays guarantee attention while simultaneously opening up brand new marketing and promotion opportunities. If there is any consistent trend in the technology, then it is the integration of technology into everyday life. As technology becomes more and more affordable and affordable, more and more brands and companies decide to deploy new technologies in their promotional activities.

As things stand now, the advertising world could become a very interesting playground in the near future.

If you would like to use hologram technology for your promotional activities, please let us know!

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